
Are you interested in volunteering your time to help Musical Bridges Around the World serve the community? Click to learn more and fill out our online form.

Give Online

Make a one-time donation to MBAW via credit card or bank information. (Donations may also be made over the phone or by mail, read below.)

Join Impresario Club or Musica Viva Membership

Network with other art patrons and enjoy performances and cuisine of the highest caliber in an intimate setting, while supporting our community and educational engagement programming.

Become a Sustaining Member

Set up a monthly recurring gift that fits your charitable budget and become a stable part of the organization’s growth and mission!

Gifts of Cash

Donate cash or check at our events, or mail your check or money order made payable to Musical Bridges Around the World:

23705 Frontage Road, Suite 101
San Antonio, TX 78257

Corporate Matching Gift

Check if your company offers a matching gift program at this link:


Gift of Stock

Donating long-term highly appreciated securities can provide you with significant tax benefits. When transferring stock directly to MBAW, you can claim an income tax deduction as well as escape capital gains tax.

Download stock transfer instructions or contact Erika Hicks at erika@musicalbridges.org or 210.464.1534 ext. 7 to learn more.

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are over the age of 70½, you can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your Individual Retirement Account up to $100,000. A donation transferred directly from your IRA to a qualified charity like MBAW generally reduces your taxable income by 100% of the amount you transfer. When you turn 72 a QCD will count towards your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).*

*In 2020, the CARES Act waived the requirement for minimum distributions.

For more information, please contact Erika Hicks at erika@musicalbridges.org or 210.464.1534 ext. 7,
or share our sample letter of instruction with your IRA administrator to help you make your charitable rollover gift to MBAW.

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Advise grants to Musical Bridges Around the World from your Donor Advised Fund during your lifetime and name MBAW as a beneficiary to receive all or a portion of the balance of your fund through your fund administrator. Check with your financial advisor about taking advantage of this benefit.

For more information, please contact Erika Hicks at erika@musicalbridges.org or 210.464.1534 ext. 7.

Planned Giving – Legacy Suites Society

Become a part of the Legacy Suites Society recognition society by including Musical Bridges Around the World in your will, trust or IRA beneficiary designation. Planned Giving options make a lasting impact and support the sustainability of the organization’s programs and service to the community.


Donate tangible personal property and intangible personal property. Examples include instruments, sound or technology equipment, and any items applicable for educational use. Contact Erika Hicks to discuss your intentions: erika@musicalbridges.org or 210.464.1534 ext. 7.

Make A Gift in Honor or Memory of Someone

Recognize one’s life’s work in a meaningful way by donating to MBAW. Be sure to type their name or statement as you prefer it written in the “Tribute” line on the donation form: https://musicalbridges.org/donate

Advertise With Us

Buy an ad space in our program book(s) that reach thousands of people, while also helping to offset our costs of printing. 

Shop on Amazon Smile

Shop on AmazonSmile and select Musical Bridges Around the World as your charity of choice, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to MBAW at no cost to you.

PHILANTHROPY is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:

Read the Donor Bill of Rights