Grand Opening All-Star Judges’ Showcase (Free & Open To Public)

Pearl Stables 307 Pearl Pkwy, San Antonio, TX 78215

The Grand Opening ALL STAR Judges’ Showcase will be an unprecedented display of world talent featuring Gurwitz judges and guest artists from the SOLI Chamber Ensemble and Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble. In the spirit of piano artistry, The Gurwitz presents public competition to discover the next generation of top young pianists from around […]

The Gurwitz, ROUND I – DAY 1 (Morning Session) (Free & Open To The Public)

Ruth Taylor Recital Hall Ruth Taylor Recital Hall - Trinity University, San Antonio TX 78212

Morning session of Round I, Day 1 with fifty minute recitals by first 3 contestants. In the spirit of piano artistry, The Gurwitz presents public competition to discover the next generation of top young pianists from around the world while bringing the art of classical piano with World Music that celebrates cultural diversity.