The Gurwitz International Piano Competition

The Gurwitz 2020 Contestant Order Announced!

On Saturday, the 12 Gurwitz 2020 contestants chose their number randomly and here are the results:

  1. Alexander Malikov | Canada
  2. Alexey Sychev | Russia
  3. Joon Yoon | Korea
  4. Jiale Li | China
  5. Nikita Lukinov | Russia
  6. Anna Grot | Russia
  7. Anna Gershtein | Russia
  8. Yedam Kim | Korea
  9. Artem Kuznetsov | Russia
  10. Jongyun Kim | Korea
  11. Maria Narodytska | Ukraine
  12. Leonardo Colafelice | Italy

We wish the best of luck to the contestants as they move through Round I over the course of Monday and Tuesday.