Anya’s Musings

My Bucket List

Since I just turned 50, I decided that it is a good time to start my bucket list.  I’m looking at things realistically and ideas like becoming a tall blond, having a few more kids and getting a culinary degree from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris do not seem to be relevant anymore so… out the window they go.  I have always dreamed of learning many languages, but my mind could only do so if my very survival depended on it.  I have studied Italian, French and Spanish, but unless I was parachuted into those countries and left there without English or Russian speakers, there is no hope.

During an after-Christmas sale, Rob and I splurged on many great courses from a teaching company.  Since I am writing a blog, I decided that I would benefit from Analysis and Critique: How to Engage and Write about Anything.  Since I am running a company, I got The Art of Critical Decision Making.  Since I lost 20 pounds (and hope to keep it that way!), I decided to get Nutrition Made Clear, and because I am always doing too many things at the same time, I got Stress and Your Body.

I have started with the Stress one.  Now every day I look forward to watching a brilliant professor, Dr. Robert Sapolsky from Stanford University, explaining physiology and the psychology of stress on my home TV.  I am honored to invite a Ph.D. Professor of Biology, Neurology and Neurosurgery into my living room – even through an electronic device – and I love the course!  Now I am thinking about other areas I need to learn more about and just about everything comes to mind!  I am fascinated with the new theories of physics; I’d like to learn more about world religions.  Since I do not like the way I talk on camera, I need a course on acting or “How to Treat the Camera Like Your Best Friend…”

Now, thanks to Professor Sapolsky, I know that I need a hobby or two as a stress releasing mechanism and here they are…
I would love to go to different countries and learn about various cuisines from famous chefs and about different wines from winemakers.  I would be interested in learning interior design, architecture, oil painting, cartoon drawing, stand-up comedy and ballroom dancing.  So far, in addition to my Doctorate in Music, I’ve gotten a long distance degree in interior decorating (I even have a diploma and am very proud of it) and have taken one year of undergraduate architecture courses at UTSA.

Unfortunately, our time on this planet is very limited and it is not possible to become an expert in everything; but it sure is a joy to at least get a glimpse of different areas of our fascinating world and the unending creativity of the human mind.  The more we learn, the more stupid we feel.  Yes, I know that famous saying, “the more you learn, the less you know”, but if we enjoy the process, the result is not that important.  I think my next course will be “How to Deal with Stress While Pursuing Stress-Releasing Hobbies”…

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